31, Ormes Road, Kilpauk, Chennai 10, Email: drvseshiah@diabetesasia.org and vseshiah@gmail.com

- Distinguished Professor of The Tamil Nādu Dr. M.G.R Medical University for life
- Established the First Department of Diabetology in India at Madras Medical College in 1978.
- Patron-Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India.
- Founder Patron- Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group, India (DIPSI).
- Vice-Chair Executive Board International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group.
- Founder Dr. V Balaji and Dr. V Seshiah Diabetes Care Center & Research Institute.
- Army Decorations “SAMAR SEVA STAR” in 1965 & “SAINYA SEVA MEDAL” with clasp HIMALAYAS.
- Recipient of DR. B.C.ROY National Award in 1988 for developing Diabetology as a Specialty in the country.
- Master Teacher Award of the Indian College of Physicians.
- Lifetime Achievement Award by INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION 2017 (First Indian to Receive).
- Padma Shri award by the President of India.
Biography of
Prof Dr.V. Seshiah
Prof V Seshiah, MD, FRCP. D.Sc (Hony). D.Sc (Hony), D.Sc (Hony). An illustrious Journey of a distinguished diabetologist
Prof V Seshiah, Honorary Distinguished Professor for Life, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai. Tamilnadu. Entered his 80th year on 10th March 2017 (now 83 yr). Prof Seshiah is a visionary, an astute clinician, a teacher of par excellence, and revered as the Father of Diabetology in India. One must know the length and depth of his work as an author and authority in diabetes, especially gestational diabetes. Day by day, year by year, and decade by decade, his work on diabetes has continuously enlightened clinicians. Path-breaking evidence became the source of guidance and reference not only in practice but also in policy decisions. His topics span all diabetes, especially hyperglycemia in pregnancy, epidemiology, and therapeutics. He is always entirely up to date.
Prof Veeraswamy Seshiah was born in Perambur, North Chennai, Tamilnadu, on 10th March 1938 to Mr. V V Veeraswamy and Mrs. Bavanamma (a person with an aura of gold appearance). Prof Seshiah’s father was in Railways, and his mother was a homemaker. Other family members were his elder brother, Prof Dr. V Perumal, and a younger sister, Ms. Gajalaxshmi. His brother served as Director of Drug Control in Tamil Nadu, and his sister has been a housewife.
The family lived at (Madras) Chennai throughout. Prof Seshiah, in his childhood, had been a frank and obedient child. Remembering an unforgettable incident, he said he met with an accident when he was five years old. They were asked to vacate and move out of Madras during the Second World Wartime to a village near Tindivanam. Once, he fell when he had a joy ride on a bullock cart with his playmates. His head came under the cart’s wheel, and it was a massive tearing of skin and scalp. It took months to recover from that injury, and that big scar is still present on the right lateral side of his scalp. Humorously, he said that he became very brilliant after that accident!
After his intermediate, his father wanted him to do engineering because his elder brother was already in medicine, but he could not get through. His elder brother asked him to appear for Medicine and Engineering the second time. This time, he was cleared for medicine, and his brother backed him to do Medicine only; he says he was destined to do therapy. He joined the Madras Medical College in 1957, and this year, he will celebrate his Diamond Jubilee.
In 1962, during the Chinese war, there was a shortage of volunteers joining the army; Prof. Seshiah volunteered to join the Indian army as a Lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps.
In 1963, he became captain and was posted as a medical officer for the 1/3 Gurka battalion and then for the 7th Bihar infantry battalion in Jammu and Kashmir. In 1965, he took part in the Indo-Pak war at “Uri Poonch” Bulge, J&K. In recognition of his service in the war theatre, he was awarded two prestigious awards: “SAMAR SEVA STAR 1965″ AND” SAINYA SEVA MEDAL “with clasp Himalayas.
Qualifications | Year | University |
M. B. B. S | 1963 | Madras university |
M.D (Gen Med) | 1973 | Madras university |
D.Sc (Hony) | 1987 | Colombo university |
FRCP | 2008 | Royal College of Physicians, Glasgow |
D.Sc (Hony) | 2008 | The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai |
D.Sc (Hony) | 2016 | Bharath University |
March 1963-1967 | Armed Forces Medical Services |
March 1967-1970 | Asst Surgeon, Govt Chest Institute |
March 1970-1972 | Postgraduate in Medicine |
April 1972- 1973 April | Asst Surgeon, Govt. Kilpauk Medical College & Hospital, Chennai |
May 1973- 1976 Feb | Asst Prof of Medicine, Kilpauk Medical College & Hospital, Chennai |
Feb 1976- 1978 Nov | Asst Prof of Medicine & Diabetology Madras Medical College and Govt Gen Hospital, Chennai |
Nov 1978-1981 May | Reader in Diabetology, Madras Medical College, Diabetologist, Govt Gen Hospital, Chennai. |
May 1981- 1991 Sep | Prof of Diabetology, Madras Medical College, Diabetologist, Govt Gen Hospital, Chennai. |
Aug 1986- 2009 Feb | Medical Director, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai |
Nov 1991- 1996 | Emeritus Professor, Dept of Diabetology, Madras Medical College. |
Present Designation | Founder, Dr. Balaji Diabetes Care Center, and Dr V Seshiah Diabetes Research Institute |
He is a pioneer in the field of Diabetes in Pregnancy. In recognition of his work, he has been invited as a speaker/expert member of national and international scientific bodies.
- Invited Speaker for Global Alliance for Women’s Health Expert Meeting at UN Headquarters, April 2008 – Addressing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Public Health Programs Presented at the Expert Meeting on Women and Diabetes, April 8-9, 2008, New York, V Seshiah.
- Invited to speak at “European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) in Copenhagen,2013
- Task force Committee member of the India n council of Medical Research (ICMR).
- I am a member of the Expert Review Committee for the Global Guidelines on Pregnancy & Diabetes at the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
- Member of the World Health Organization Expert Committee for consultation on diagnosis and screening for gestational diabetes.
- Vice-Chairman of the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy study groups [IADPSG).
- Founder president of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI)
- Member of the ELSEVIER Clinical Advisory Board.
- “Chairman of the Board of Studies in Research” in the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.
- Chairman of DSc; Selection committee of Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University.
- I chaired a session on diabetes and pregnancy at the 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Budapest, Hungary, in September 2002.
- Chaired a session on Prediction of type 2 diabetes and screening methods & Pregnancy and offspring, 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France, August 2003
- he presented a guest lecture on Diabetes and Pregnancy in the Advancing Nations—India at the 4th International Symposium on Diabetes and Pregnancy, Istanbul, Turkey, March 29 – 31, 2007.
- Only invited Indian author to have contributed a chapter on “Diabetes and Pregnancy in advancing Nations – India “in the textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy -Second Edition 2007
- he has authored a chapter in the Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) Textbook of Diabetes and the Association of Physicians of India (API) Textbook of Medicine.
- He contributed a chapter to the book “Gestational Diabetes,” edited by Miroslav Radenkovic and published by INTECH.
- Edited 8 editions (2021) of the Handbook on Diabetes Mellitus, a much sought-after book by physicians nationwide • He has over 150 publications in National and International Journals to his credit.
- Edited a Book on “Diabetes in Pregnancy” – EIAB Clinical update: Diabetology published by ELSEVIER.
- Edited a Book on “Diabetes and Pregnancy” – Published by MacMillan Medical Communications.
- Edited a book on ” A Handbook on Uncontrolled diabetes” – Published by Kontentworx Publishers.
- Edited a book on “Contemporary Topics on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus” – Published by Jaypee Bros.
- Published Unlimited Articles in both national and international journals