Dr. Sanjev Dave, MD Prof & Ex-Head of Community Medicine

Professor of Community Medicine, Autonomous State Medical College, Auraiya, Uttar Pradesh

Professor & Ex HOD Community Medicine- Soban Singh Jeena, Govt Institute of Medical Science and Research, Almora, Uttarakhand-263601, Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Educational Qualifications: MBBS(1995 ), MD(2006), UGC- NET( Social Medicine & Community Health), CERTIFIED TB EXPERT (FROM ICMR) & NABH( HOSPITAL ACCREDIATION SPECIALIST- IMA University Hyderabad) in Nov 2018.

Certifications: MCI( BOG) CERTIFIED: a)BASIC COURSE IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH in 2020,b) Revised BASIC Workshop in MEDICAL EDUCATION & c) CISP Programme TECHNOLOGY as per MCI Requirement  in Dec 2017 & 2018,

Key areas of Interest:  Research & Teaching cum Training in Community Medicine.

TEACHING Experience in Community Medicine: ( Post PG 11 years + 8 Months on 15th Jan 2024)

Teaching experience Community Medicine details: 3yrs JR Ship(CHA)+ 7 years [ 4 years+ 15 days(Assistant Prof.) & Assoc. Prof (3 years + 1 Month+ 4 days) till  21st  July 2019 ]

Current Designation:

ASSOC. PROF (REGULAR) Autonomous State Medical College, Hardoi (UP)

Professor & ExHOD Community Medicine- Soban Singh Jeena, Govt Institute of Medical Science and Research, Almora, Uttarakhand-263601

Ex Prof & HOD SINCE 4th Aug 2020  In Sheikhul Hind Maulana Masood Hasan  Govt  Medical College & Hospital, SAHARANPUR, UP( UP Govt)- (A recognized Medical College by MCI for 100 MBBS seats]till 11th June 2022


 Asstt Prof-Community Medicine: 4 years +15 days

Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarnagar, UP- From 4/7/2013 to today–( 2years+ 11 months+15 days). Rohillkhand Medical College Hospital,Bareilly(UP): from 3/9/2012 to 3/7/2013———- (10 months) . Govt Medical College, Srikot, Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) from 23/1/2012 till 23/04/2012- (3 months)

Assoc. Prof-Community Medicine : 3 years + 6month+ 4 days


a)[ In Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarnagar, UP- working since 04/07/2013 to till today (A recognized Medical College by MCI for 150 MBBS seats & PG in Community Medicine)] [ 22ND JULY 2019-20-6-2020]

c)Autonomous State Medical College, Shahjahanpur, Under  Govt of UP from 22-6-2020 to 31-7-2020[ 1 Mth + 8 days].

Hospital/Health Management teaching experience:  Was visiting Faculty for Apollo, CREMA(Delhi) & ICRI (Mumbai) from 2007-2011.

Specific Achievements:[ In the Department of Community Medicine at   Muzaffarnagar Medical College for nearly 3 years (2013-2019) ]

a)Awarded “Outstanding Researcher in Health System(Public Health)” –VIHCA(2018)

b)Worked as a Rural Health Training Centre(RHTC) In charge of being an Assistant Prof.

 c)  Worked as Interns Incharge as Associate Professor & PG Incharge as PROFESSOR.

c) Member of VIDWAN( MHRD, GOI) in Dec 2019. https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in//profile/107497

Research Publications*: 60 ( ORCID ID:0000-0002-1062-4322)

Total No of Publications in Indexed Journals:    60  ( Pubmed Indexed-14)*

Total No of Citations( Google Scholar) till Aug 2019: 425   ( h-index=9, i10 index=8)

No of Articles in ( as 1st /2nd Author) in Indexed Journals :  45

No of Articles in ( as 3rd  /4th  Author) in Indexed Journals :  05

Levels of Journals:

International-  21 (OA-16 & Others-5),National –34 (OA-29 & Others-5) &

Total No of Original Articles:  34 (International -16, National- 18)

a)No of ORIGINAL Articles published from Jan 2013 – June 2016 ( Asstt Professor Tenure): 22 (Twenty-two)

b)No of ORIGINAL Articles published from July 2016 – June 2019 ( Associate Professor Tenure): 10 (Ten)

No of Books Written in Community Medicine : 3 Books

      1. One on –SPOTS in Community Medicine– ISBN 978-93-84882-41-9

2.Other on –Practical Tips & Simplified solutions for key Exercises in public health & Community Medicine-ISBN-978-93-84882-42-6

3.Solved Practical Solutions for UG & PG Examinations in Community Medicine(ISBN- 978-1521714980)

PG thesis Assistance: 5 MD students in Community Medicine

I also worked as a co-guide in a thesis for 5(2+3) MD Community Medicine Students at Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarnagar, UP ( 2013-2019).

Research Projects done: 

  1. Completed – (01); From TB Association of India in 2015 as a Co-Investigator under the guidance of Prof JV Singh( HOD- Community Medicine, MMCH, MZN, UP)
  • Completed: “Phubbing Phenomenon” – University of Poland, Department of Psychology

EXTERNAL PROJECTS done:  Worked as External Consultant for Preparing –

1.“ROADMAP FOR NEWBORN HEALTH CARE SERVICES FOR STATE BIHAR & MEGHALYA” from 2014-16—under the Department of Neonatology, LHMC, Delhi, and UNICEF Bihar and NHM Meghalaya, respectively.

2. GDM Project under Govt of UP with NGO-Jain Hospital Kanpur in 2016

3. State Level Trainer for Gestational Diabetes in UP ( NHM & WDF /IDF Project) Since June 2017

External Consultancy to Dahlberg Consultants: As Advisor to GOI on Medical Education reforms ( on Recommendation of BOG MCI- Prof Dr VK Paul)

Membership details:  Member of 8  Medical AssociationsHospital Administration AssociationsMAHA(1498), CAHO.Community Medicine/Public health Associations: EFI, IEA(5581), IAPSM(life-3398), IPHA(L-6345),ACHHA, Educational Technical Research Soceity.

Journals Editorial Board –Asstt. Editor( Medical Publications-PASSI & IJCP)

Associate editor- National Journal of Research in Community Medicine (NJRCM),

Member Advisory Editorial Board- Acta Scientific Women Health, MRC, DJIF, JMSCR, IJBST Group.

Reviewer – IJPH, JCDR, IJMEDPH,IJCH,IJHAS, PLOS ONE, Med Journ DY Patil University.

Training cum Field Experience: UP GOVT PMHS SERVICEs – 5 years( MOIC)


 2. In WHO: Organized Training sessions for District Faizabad & Bareilly as an SMO in NPSP(WHO) in 2006-2007.Worked as a RI trainer & Pulse Polio SIA activity Trainer for District Bareilly, Faizabad &Muzaffarnagar. AFP Case Investigation Trainings & Case Evaluator.


State Level Trainer for Gestational Diabetes in UP ( NHM & WDF /IDF Project) Since June 2017.

Research Paper Presentation in Conferences: 10 ( Nat-2+Inter-4, State -4)

1. Poster presentation on paper “Factors influencing the nutritional status of rural children” in 3rd Biregional South East Asia Specific International Conference in Chennai in January 2006.

2. Oral Paper Presentation in 15th Annual Conference IAPSM, State Chapter UP& UK, 24th-25th Dec2012

3. Paper Presentation in UPUK chapter of IAPSM Oct 2014 on the topic: ‘’Tobacco use among Adolescents’

4. Oral Paper Presentation at National Conference in IAPSM in Feb 2015 on the topic: ‘Medical Foods’

5. Oral Paper Presentation at the National Conference in IPHA in March 2016 on the topic: ‘COORHLNG care.

6. Oral Paper Presentation at the International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health, held in October 2016 at NIHFW, Delhi, on the topic ‘Occupational health Hazards’.

7. Poster presentation at 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health in Delhi on Topic: ‘Gadgets Misuse.

8. Oral Presentation  on COEC in 15th World Rural Health Conference at New Delhi( 26-29th April 2018).

Workshops/CMEs/ Conferences attended: 14 (5 NAT + 5 State + Int- 4)

8. Assessment of micro-nutrient deficiency” in Sept 2004 at AIIMS, New Delhi

9. Conference on Health Care of Elderly in 2008 at SMC Meerut (UP).

10. 17-20th UP and UA Chapter of IAPSM, Oct 2011.

11. CME Workshop on “ Research Methodology & Biostatistics” on 8th Feb-10th Feb 2013

12. CME workshop on Research Methodology and Skills, RMCH Bareilly UP, 22-23 March 2013.

13. CMEs on Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Public Health Models, Research Methodology, and Universal Health Coverage y from 2013 to 2018, organized by the Medical Education Department of Muzaffarnagar Medical College.

CME Speaker Experience: 10 CME lectures

Delivered 5 CME Lectures on Equator Research Guidelines, Hypertension, HIV/AIDS, Depression, and Universal Health Coverage organized by the Medical Education Department of Muzaffarnagar Medical College from 2014 to 2019, SMMHGMC Saharanpur, GMC Almora from 2013 -2023.

Community Medicine Examiner Experience:

Worked as Internal Examiner(2018, 2019, 2020) for CCS University( MZN Medical College)and  External Examiner in Community Medicine for BNYS Students of Subharti University, Meerut(UP)  from Dec 2016- Dec 2019. EXTERNAL Examiner(CM) for SRHU MBBS EXAM May 2021, MGUMS Jaipur & Era Medical College Lucknow in 2023.                 

Total No. of Publications- Grand Total =50+5=55

No of Articles in Indexed Journals (Inc 4 E- E-journals): 50 ( as 1st /2nd Author)

  1. International- 27 (OA-16 & Others-5)
  2. National –     23 (OA-19  & Others-5 )

So Total No of Original Articles: 35

As  3rd / 4th  Author(total=05)                                                                                       

International -16

National- 19

As 1st/ 2nd Author(total=50)


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