Ph.D. Helsinki, Department of Population Study, Finland, Email: [email protected]
A young researcher at the University of Helsinki specializing in lipidomics and the role of specific and novel lipids in the incidence and development of non-communicable diseases. I also intend to offer new tools for clinics to enable early diagnosis of diseases.
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
- January 2020 – Present
- Helsinki, Finland
- Department of Population Health
- Doctoral Researcher
- Activity on ResearchGate
- 21 Research Publications in International Journal
- 2019-2023- As a Ph.D. researcher, my primary focus is studying the role of impactful biochemical biomarkers and lipidomics in cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.
- 2016-Master in biochemistry, Azad University of Tehran, Iran
- 2014- BSc in biochemistry, Azad Univesity of Tehran, Iran